Tuesday, October 26, 2021

My animation

 Bula bloggers

Today I'm going to tell you about my animation. My animation is about a fish that gets caught by some bait and gets cooked and turns into fish and chips there is more to my animation but your going to have to check it out yourself. If you would like to check it out just leave a comment with your email and i will share it to you :) 

The thing i enjoyed about this activity was that it was something new! i had fun doing my animation i came up with some other  idea's but i liked the fish and chips one the most it was also the most yummy choice ( not really if you see my animation) the thing that was a bit hard about this was the movement i tried to make it look as real as possible but i did some cuts. There are also some parts where you guys have to read and not just see:) 

!REMINDER! if you would like to see my animation please leave a comment with your email and also please don't edit anything its my work and i would hate for it to be ruined but if you have an idea's for things i could add you could email me or just comment on my work and tell me:)

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