Wednesday, December 8, 2021

How making my animation turned out

Bula VInaka bloggers! Today I am going to be talking about how doing/making my animation turned out! One thing I enjoyed about my animation was making the characters, it was good fun to make them Something I found easy was doing ctrl c and ctrl v to get all the copies of slides! I think I found it a bit hard to find the type of background I wanted, some of them did not even relate to what I googled If I could change something about my animation I wouyld change the way I made the bodies, They look nice but a bit to basic. I don't know what do you think? BYE BLOGGERS!!!! here is the link to the blog post


  1. Ka pai Karolina. It's great to hear your reflections on your animation. You could use ctrl-d to duplicate. That might be quicker than copy and paste. Did you use the explore tool to find your backgrounds? It might be cool to link to the blog post with your animation in it in this post. Then people can see what you're talking about.

    1. Hi Phil! I think ctrl c and ctrl v was a bit quick but I could always try out ctrl d. I was wondering when does the entries for the animations end? Also sure let me just add the link to the blog post it might be there now

    2. I love ctrl-d, it saves heaps of time. Yesterday was the last day to enter films but if people want to keep entering them I will keep adding them to the list. Thank you so much for leaving so many great comments!

  2. Hi Karolina,
    I've checked your animations,They are soo good. I love Them all. Oh Yeah I don't think you'll know me but I'm Ananya From New Windsor School. Anywayy Good Job. Byeee!

    1. Thanks Ananya! Have you done any animations? If you have can you please leave the link I would love to check it out Bye byeeee
