Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 Bula Vinaka Bloggers!

So as you know children can now get vaccinated, well today I got the vaccine! 

How it felt:

It didn't hurt AT ALL, I was surprised when it was done because I felt nothing!

How am I now?:

I am doing fine. I got mine at 11:30 and now it is 4:37. It's starting to feel heavy and hurting I'm also a bit tired and very lazy :)

What should I eat?: 

Vitamin C and water, my mum has been telling me to drink heaps of water but I really don't wanna.

I recommend you get the vaccine espicially if you are a teacher!  Don't be scared of the side effects and don't believe all the things you see about it online, The chances of you getting so bad you need to go to the hospital is 1 out of 1000,000,000,000,000 of course that number was a guess but still, it's very rare!

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