Friday, January 28, 2022

Our days in Wellington

Bula Vinaka Bloggers! 

So as you know we went to Wellington for 2 days, On the first day we just chillaxed and went to the city to get some Mcdonalds and some snacks from a place called Night'n'day. On the second day we went to the Muesuem, the beehive and the beach front! 

We left the house at 11:00 so yeah...!          


We went on a super long walk to the beehive!!! But the end result was SOOOOO worth it 

We also went to the mueseum!
Then we went home ;) I was really happy about that because I fell off a single bed with a maximum of 20 time it hurt my back so much thats why i'm sleeping in the photo 

Friday, January 21, 2022

The end of the summer learning journey ;(

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers

I am sad to announce that the SLJ has ended for this year.... The SLJ team will be counting the points and replying to their final comments. 

I enjoyed doing this so much! It gave me something to do instead of watching Youtube 24/7!  It taught me a lot! It was cool to see all different teachers from different parts of NZ. Thank you for taking your time to make activities for us and making amazing activities! I hope you all have a great rest of your year.

I think my favourite task was the one where we got to make drums out of tin cans but instead I used pringle boxes, it was so cool I love creating those types of things!

One thing I found tricky was hmmm, let me think.... NOTHING! It was super easy and there's always around things :) The tasks were very fitting for doing it at home, there was no need to go and buy stuff for the tasks, since they were all so easy!

Three things I learnt from this were:

1. Creativity

2.  Nature

3. FUN!

I would love to see more art/crafts those were something that was really fun for me!


Now for a special podcast for the teachers who made this wonderful journey:

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Drama in the earth (ep 3 podcast)

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers! 

Today's new podcast is listed: Dramatic 

This Podcast is all about the drama's, as you know yesterday's podcast was simple and....

It was listed as: Peaceful

This is all about drama and yeah (don't mind the way I embeded it)

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Drama in the earth ( ep 2 podcast)

 Bula Vinaka and welcome to another podcast

Podcast INFO:

Episode 2, Todays Type: Peaceful talk 

Today's podcast is about tips on the vaccine and how it felt to get vaccinated as a child. Sit back and listen.....


 Bula Vinaka Bloggers!

So as you know children can now get vaccinated, well today I got the vaccine! 

How it felt:

It didn't hurt AT ALL, I was surprised when it was done because I felt nothing!

How am I now?:

I am doing fine. I got mine at 11:30 and now it is 4:37. It's starting to feel heavy and hurting I'm also a bit tired and very lazy :)

What should I eat?: 

Vitamin C and water, my mum has been telling me to drink heaps of water but I really don't wanna.

I recommend you get the vaccine espicially if you are a teacher!  Don't be scared of the side effects and don't believe all the things you see about it online, The chances of you getting so bad you need to go to the hospital is 1 out of 1000,000,000,000,000 of course that number was a guess but still, it's very rare!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

I made a podcast!

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers!

So today I decided to make a podcast, this podcast is going to be call "drama's of the world" because we are mainly talking about politics, drama, more drama and more drama but also some peaceful things :)

Today's first podcast is about Donald Trump running for president in 2024

A game I have created!

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers! 

So today I have made 2 games! 

One game is about juggling and trying not to stick blu-tack together, and the other is about catching a ball in a container! 

I think my favourite game has to be the catching one, I am not a good juggler it's just way to complex and very hard....

Watch the video below to see my trying out my games!

Monday, January 17, 2022

Something we are gonna do next week

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers!

WE ARE GOING TO WELLINGTON! Yes you got me right the CAPITAL of New Zealand! I'm super exited to go on the airplane and see the hotel, I mean we already packed! 

I'm gonna get the window seat and it's gonna be a one hour flight. My Mum said it would be educational and super fun! We are going for 1 day and 2 nights. The hotel we are staying at is right next to the airport! There is even a beach next to the hotel!!!!

We are going to be staying at the hotel and have a shower there, then at the evening we are going to the town, so we packed some nice warm clothes! The next day we are gonna go on a tram around Wellington. Then we are gonna go to the Musuem, My Nana said that the Wellington one was WAY bigger then the Auckland one and the Auckland one ( the one we always go to) is super DUPER huge already! Then after THAT we are gonna go to the Beehive, THIS IS WHERE JACINDA IS! I have been wondering if I will get a rare sighting of her, why am I acting like she is a alien..... I'm really exited to go to the beehive!

We packed three pares of clothes each. We got one bed, I was worried about my Mother since I sleep like a crazy person, I mean who can say I don't I move around HEAPS once I might be sleeping on the top of the bed then I would end up on the bottom!!! 

Well I'm just super exited to get to Wellington next week Wensday, OH and also we are leaving at 1PM 

What we did yesterday!

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers!

Yesterday we went to a beach, It was super muddy and my shoes and feet got dirty so we had to take off our shoes ;)  We went around this HUGE rock to see the other side. 

The other side had a walking area! I LOVED climbing on the rocks and dipping my legs into the water! I brought back some memories, I brought back a shell where you can hear the water and a stone and a shell stuck together. I climbed up a sand stone, It had stone AND sand I tried to get up to this little spot where you could sit but it didn't work out

The sea water was warm but the water in the rocks were cold, It had some slippery rocks where i nearly fell on my bum, and guess what!? MY MUM DID THE SPLITS AND FELL!!!! It was so funny I got it all on recording....! 

I honestly just love exploring around and seeing some new cool things

Snowball poems

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers! 

Today I made some snowball art! It is art that is either one more letter OR one more word. 

What was the task?

Our Kick start task was to make a snowball poem with one more WORD, The step it up  was to make a snowball poem with one more LETTER. 

How was it?

I think this task was great I think it was super fun! The Kick start was super easy. Though the step it up was a bit challenging, I love that! It was just, SUPER DUPER FUN!

Would you do it again?

Answer: YES OF COURSE!!!

I'm so sad that the poetry slam is ending this week, I think this was a good end to it for the year!

Thursday, January 13, 2022

My summer back yard

 Bula Vinaka bloggers! This task was about sounds in your back yard! My sound was quite it didn't have much going on, just the usual...  It is also about crickets I mean I will explain little by little about it!

First off here is my sound of my back yard (also thanks for the video oh how to embed it!)

I call it "the usual day"

This task was about Nature and how it is leaving, The crickets have been silent lately, The birds haven't been chirping much, why? People are destroying their homes, as in cutting down tree's and not replanting them and much more. 

I don't know about you but I have been seeing Tui's a lot lately so nothing to complain about for them I guess....!  When I heard the Tui sound I found out that there are a lot of Tui's in my area since I hear the sound that they make heaps! I usually see the Mag Pies flying around everywhere right down the road near school, by the new apartments there are heaps of the Mag Pies! Even when we went to two different parks we saw like 10 Mag Pies, or should I say I SAW 10 Mag Pies as my mother wasn't counting or even looking for them. 

Have you ever woken up at 5AM or for some reason went to sleep at 5AM then you would know what it's like to hear all the birds chirping and the sun rising! I haven't but if you have then that's SO COOL!!!! I think it would be so pretty and also very amazing! I once tried to wake up at 5AM but that didn't work, as always I was fussy to get out of bed so I missed the sun rise ;) 

So now The sounds in my back yard that happen every summer... well mostly things that show up in summer, like all the flowers on these tree's we have, OH!? You wanna see???? Well just watch the video below and you my friend, will know what I mean! 

I decided to keep this video 5 minutes long 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

zhuzhing things up!

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers! 

This is my t-shirt I made I have it irl thats why I made it!

Here is my Story Board 

My Clerihew poem!

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers!

This is my Clerihew poem,  I hope you like it the video is how I made it soooo yeah

Here is the finished project

My drum!


Friday, January 7, 2022

Summer in NZ

 Bula Vinaka bloggers and todays task is about Summer in NZ since we are in NZ and it is summer as usual. This took me quite a while but other than that it was fun! I think the main thing we have all been doing is staying home but now that it's summer and we are in orange we can have fun! 

here is my thing of what I can do in summer

Here is my summer collage 

THE LATEST NEWS TODAY (this is a SLJ thing)

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers! This is a podcast about how Vishal Garg has fired 900 employees from his company...! I will be reading an article from Kiwi kids news. I hope you enjoyed it and tell me if I should do more podcasts and read it from an article! 

Listen to it here

BREAKING NEWS! Today Karolina Qiokata will be reading 3 news reports written by KIWI KIDS NEWS, do you want the drama? Do you want the tea? DO YOU WANT STRONG WOMEN!? Well this is the best 6:00 news for you!

Thank you and "good night" from the 6:00 news team 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Magnetic Poetry!

 Bula Vinaka bloggers!
I was to lazy to type so I have made videos for you all to watch ;)

Monday, January 3, 2022

New Years Task!

 Bula Vinaka Bloggers and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Today I'm going to share what I learnt about New Years, but in other countries!

Just look down at the slides and this is what I  found out, If I got something wrong be sure to tell me in the comments!

Okie bye,bye