Bula Vinaka bloggers! This task was about sounds in your back yard! My sound was quite it didn't have much going on, just the usual... It is also about crickets I mean I will explain little by little about it!
First off here is my sound of my back yard (also thanks for the video oh how to embed it!)
I call it "the usual day"
This task was about Nature and how it is leaving, The crickets have been silent lately, The birds haven't been chirping much, why? People are destroying their homes, as in cutting down tree's and not replanting them and much more.
I don't know about you but I have been seeing Tui's a lot lately so nothing to complain about for them I guess....! When I heard the Tui sound I found out that there are a lot of Tui's in my area since I hear the sound that they make heaps! I usually see the Mag Pies flying around everywhere right down the road near school, by the new apartments there are heaps of the Mag Pies! Even when we went to two different parks we saw like 10 Mag Pies, or should I say I SAW 10 Mag Pies as my mother wasn't counting or even looking for them.
Have you ever woken up at 5AM or for some reason went to sleep at 5AM then you would know what it's like to hear all the birds chirping and the sun rising! I haven't but if you have then that's SO COOL!!!! I think it would be so pretty and also very amazing! I once tried to wake up at 5AM but that didn't work, as always I was fussy to get out of bed so I missed the sun rise ;)
So now The sounds in my back yard that happen every summer... well mostly things that show up in summer, like all the flowers on these tree's we have, OH!? You wanna see???? Well just watch the video below and you my friend, will know what I mean!
I decided to keep this video 5 minutes long